Thursday, April 14, 2016

Coming Events

Fun In The Park

I am preparing for two park functions. The end of this month I will be doing a short presentation on the park and my book for Guernsey Community Education. Looking forward to this one as we will hike after the talk, should be fun.
View from the trail we will be walking.

In June, I will be leading a Trek in the Park for the Wyoming Historical Society as the society does a Platte County Trek. This will involve a short talk and tour of the Civilian Conservation Corps sites in the park. This will be a terrific chance to talk with others interested in the history of the park.
One of the original Fire-Pits built by the CCC

I will have more information on both of these soon, but do know that if you are interested in the Guernsey Community Education talk and hike, it will be the last Saturday in April, and will start at the Museum. Give Gale (at Community Ed) a call if you are interested. Sounds like we are going to have an excellent group for each one of these.

The Bureau of Reclamation

Meanwhile, I have been doing some research and writing about the Bureau of Reclamation and the building of the dam, powerhouse, and gatehouse. I will be posting more on this soon also, but one thing is for sure, I have learned a lot as I look into the building of the dam, completed in 1927.
Dam and Gatehouse from Tunnel Mountain Trail

All My Blogs

In other news I have had requests as to how to get to my other blogs, here is the list, including this site -  just click on the link and thanks for asking.

I have been told that I blog on too many subjects and spread my audience too thin, not sure what that means. I do blog in several areas, and here they are.

By far my most popular blog – Wyoming History. I love writing this blog after 42 years as a classroom history teacher.

My favorite park and only a five-minute drive away. Also the basis for my only none fiction book about the Civilian Conservation Corps and the building of the park.

My writing blog. I try not to give advice as I don’t really know that much about writing. I share some of what I do and a few things that other do. I also post excerpts from my writing and quite often posts on how I go about the process of writing.

This is my gardening blog, gardeners like fisherman like to boast about how good they are.

This blog is still pretty popular, but I ran out of things I knew how to cook/bake. It is mostly a humorous look at cooking and grilling, but all the recipes are the real deal.

This one started as a hodgepodge of stuff but now is mostly about golf, senior golf. I only post a few time a year on this one. Not much effort although occasionally I come up with something that I need to say about my nearly 200 rounds each year.

My newest blog. This one is for my self-publishing company. Here I mostly share my books and links but eventually hope to post on the process of getting a Microsoft document into book form.

Click here to see - My Five Books

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