Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Hike in Guernsey State Park

Today's photos are from Brimmer Point trail, which starts just west of the parking lot on the point, winds around and down to the CCC walk bridge below Powell Mountain, and then returns to the top.
View from Brimmer Point
 Wonderfully laid out Civilian Conservation Corps built trail with some great views. This year's wet spring left the trail a bit overgrown in spots, but it is hikeable (not sure that is a real word, but I am on a roll and too lazy to look it up), for this pair of septuagenarians. The trail measures about a mile and a half and took us a bit over an hour with multiple stops for rest, photos, a quick drink (water) or to simply scan the surroundings and watch nature in action.
Sage Wren along the way

        After some health setbacks and quite a bit of procrastination, we are back hiking in the park. I must admit my wife has been better about getting in her steps than I have. After more than a year of doing not much writing, not much hiking, and not taking many photos I'm giving it another try. I will post as we explore the park.
Walking through the iconic Pass-Through Rock on the trail

        Want to find out more about Guernsey State Park? Here is the link to my book on Amazon, available as an eBook or in softcover. I am partial to the softcover as it cannot move photos around like the eBook.  The book is also available, signed, from many local, and around the state, booksellers.
View along the way


  1. Great photos.

    Somehow I missed this blog of yours. Saw your tweet and found it here. I'm very glad I did.

    1. Thanks, this used to be a pretty active blog but I have neglected it lately - we spend a lot of time in the park - always enjoyable.
